Saturday, December 31, 2011

cermin mata patah dan retro. walla!

tanda-tanda kuat study. ini serius. HAHA!

selamat tinggal cermin mata!!!!

oh ya, hari yang berlalu lepas sampai di kediaman wang ulu sangat dull tibatiba macam meriah sebab dijemput menjadi talent utk outing yang bertemakan retro (ahhhaa!talented sgt ke?) btw, new experiences had gained and i must say, it's freaking awesome! yeah, admit im a bit noob la macam kaku kayu. and my face after the make up?maiigodddd, im totally change to another person and yet im not used to it as it's too heavy for me. *lepas-tu-nampak-macam-tompok-tompok-sebab-terkesat-kesat, sorry rain!im ruin your masterpiece! :(

minum petang?

yeah, she's the one! hahaha. say hye to hizreen hashim or better known as RAIN!!!ololololooo :D


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